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Interface IDynamicTableColDef

The definition of the column supplied to a ngTableDynamic directive.


  • IDynamicTableColDef



Optional class

Custom CSS class that should be added to the th tag(s) of this column in the table header

Optional filter

The definition of 0 or more html filter templates that should be rendered for this column in the table header

Optional filterData

Supplies the ISelectOptions that can be used in a html filter template for this colums. At the creation of the NgTableParams this field will be called and the result then assigned to the data field of this column.

Optional groupable

The name of the data row field that will be used to group on, or false when this column does not support grouping

Optional headerTemplateURL

headerTemplateURL: DynamicTableColField

The url of a custom html template that should be used to render a table header for this column

Optional headerTitle

The text that should be used as a tooltip for this column in the table header

Optional show

Determines whether this column should be displayed in the table

Optional sortable

The name of the data row field that will be used to sort on, or false when this column does not support sorting

Optional title

The title of this column that should be displayed in the table header

Optional titleAlt

An alternate column title. Typically this can be used for responsive table layouts where the titleAlt should be used for small screen sizes

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